Hillcrest Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist congregation centered on the Word of God and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our church has been serving West Texas since 1959 and is glad to be known as a place with "a sweet, sweet spirit," as one of our favorite songs describes. To be a member or a visitor at Hillcrest Baptist Church is to be welcomed with open arms and encouraged through fellowship, discipleship, and the exposition of Scripture. We are a body of believers learning to serve God and people better each day. Join us Sundays or Wednesdays and see for yourself that Hillcrest is a place you can belong!

In short, we believe:
Jesus is the Son of God—fully man and fully God. He was born of a virgin, was sent by God, lived a sinless life, was crucified for the sins of the whole world and was raised to life three days later before ascending into heaven where He now sits enthroned at the right hand of God the Father.
We believe that because of His sacrifice on the cross, He now offers the free gift of salvation to anyone who will call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells each believer who has placed his or her faith in Jesus Christ and that the second coming of Christ is imminent.
Before His return, we believe Christians are to fulfill the Great Commission by spreading the gospel around the globe and teaching men, women, and children to become disciples of Christ. Christ calls us to do that in partnership with a local body of believers—a church. Christians and the churches they comprise are to shine like lights in a dark world, pointing to Christ in word and deed and representing Him well until the end of days.
We believe Scripture is the God-breathed Word of God and that it should be read, preached, followed, and loved by all who claim the name of Christ.
We align ourselves with the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, a statement of faith adopted by Southern Baptists. You can read the statement of faith, which is a more thorough explanation of our beliefs, here.

Where do you meet?
Hillcrest Baptist Church
2000 W. FM 700, Big Spring, TX 79720
(432) 267-1639
Is something available for my children?
Yes, we have programs for children birth-5th grade. Learn more by clicking here.
When are services?
9:45 AM Bible Study; 11 AM Worship;
6 PM Sunday Service
6:00 PM Family Meal & Bible Studies
What should I wear?
Feel free to come as you are. Most of our members wear casual to business casual clothing, things such as jeans and slacks for men and pants, skirts, and dresses for women.
Pastor Chris Cunningham
I have a passion and a calling, and I seek to be obedient. I believe the Church is to be a light on a hill and that our collective mission is to glorify God in loving Him and loving His image bearers.
Approach to Ministry
I am an expositor of the Word. I believe the Bible to be the inerrant, infallible, all-sufficient Word of God, and that is how I teach it. I am passionate about equipping God's people for every good work by expository preaching. I seek to maintain relationships in the Church based on love and truth.
A Vision for the "Great Commission"
I seek to live a lifestyle of personal evangelism in the places I go and how I interact with people. I spend my time meeting people and get to know them on a personal level. I serve while developing genuine relationships which allow me the opportunity to share the gospel.
In the vision for the Great Commission as a pastor, I strive to equip and disciple members of the body of Christ to their calling. I strive for unity in the body to fulfill the Great Commission of outreach and discipleship. I pursue this first of all with prayerful consideration of the best strategies and collaboration with my fellow workers to bring the gospel and the love of Jesus to the community in which I serve.