you belong here
A small church with a big heart. We'll save you a seat.
Do you know if you are going to heaven?
“This is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”
1 JOHN 4:10
9:45 AM Bible Study
11 AM Worship
5 PM Prayer
6:15 Family Meal & Bible Study
Hillcrest Baptist Church
2000 W. FM 700, Big Spring, TX 79720
(432) 267-1639
First, we're so glad you're planning to join us!
When you arrive, come into the building through either one of our parking lots, and when you arrive inside, someone will be waiting to greet you and help you get to the right place. We can assist you in knowing what class to visit, where the restrooms are located, where the children's area is in our building, and what time our main worship service begins.
We encourage you to come ready to meet new friends and to find a place you can plug in. We are not built to "do life alone," so we will be glad to introduce you to others who are in your same station of life as well as people who are older, younger, seasoned Christians, and new believers.
The church is best when all parts are functioning together. Come and join us, and find and fill your role!